Friday, May 29, 2009

Work sometimes sucks...

So Zack and I both are a little nervous about our jobs... Some things are going down at Zack's work that may end his job (through no fault of his own), but then again, he could just be overthinking things. And then there's my work. I really love my job and everyone I work with. The problem is my boss is too young, and has too many kids, and has too much money he owes right now. He's like $1,000,000.00 in debt with school loans, buying the practice, buying a house, car payments and then supporting his family... It sucks because I'm doing damn good with this practice and it will never be enough because we need to bring in like $5000.00 a day for him to get anywhere, and that's not gonna happen. That won't happen anywhere. And now his wife is talking about taking our benefits away like the paid holidays, vacation time, overtime, etc... because it'd be a way for them to make more money. But you know what? I'm not standing for that. I'm sorry they bit off more than they can chew but that's not my fault. I'm a damn good office manager and the patients love me, I could another job in no time. Oh! And for Christmas we got $100.00 bonus; but most other practice's in town got $1000.00!!! I'm getting pissed off. Because no matter what, no one here will get a raise or anything until he pays his loans off. And I don't think I'm willing to hang around for the day that things might get better in TEN years or however long it takes. And what's more: he bought this practice from another doctor who had back-asswards way of collecting money. Like letting them make $15.00 payments a month until their $2000.00 bill was paid off. He spoiled them all, so now when I try to get the money upfront, peole pitch a big fit about it. I came into this office with the AR totally messed up, no rules, no recall (getting people to come in for cleanings), a cluttered office, ALL KINDS OF MESS and it's 500% better since I've been here. And yes, it's taken me a long time to clean things up and get things figured out, but they need to realize that shit's better because of me. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll need to find another job. I'd rather not.