Monday, May 11, 2009

In the garden...

So yesterday, Zack and I got up at 9:30am and immediately started working on the garden. Zack tilled and tilled and tilled until we hit clay... which is incredibly hard. Anyway, we built a fence around it to keep the dogs out, and I planted everything except the cantaloupe and watermelon, because I hear you're supposed to keep those inside as long as you can. So I think I will plant those next weekend. So, all together we'll have radishes, lettuce, carrots, corn, yellow and green squash, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, green beans, onions, and tomatoes... I've planted them sort of earlier than most people are daring too because everyone's scared of it frosting. But if my sprouts die, I'll just replant them. They grew a ton in only a week and I have plenty of seeds leftover. Plus, it might not frost. But it could also frost as late as June (i.e. last June it had snowed!) Anyway, here's a picture....
And we've named it "St. Snoopy's Patch" in honor of the best step-mom in the world: Snoopy. She has the greenest thumb I know and is the perfect patron for any garden.