Saturday, May 30, 2009

I've totally got a girl-crush...

...on Megan Fox. She's pretty much the hottest girl ever, I think.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Work sometimes sucks...

So Zack and I both are a little nervous about our jobs... Some things are going down at Zack's work that may end his job (through no fault of his own), but then again, he could just be overthinking things. And then there's my work. I really love my job and everyone I work with. The problem is my boss is too young, and has too many kids, and has too much money he owes right now. He's like $1,000,000.00 in debt with school loans, buying the practice, buying a house, car payments and then supporting his family... It sucks because I'm doing damn good with this practice and it will never be enough because we need to bring in like $5000.00 a day for him to get anywhere, and that's not gonna happen. That won't happen anywhere. And now his wife is talking about taking our benefits away like the paid holidays, vacation time, overtime, etc... because it'd be a way for them to make more money. But you know what? I'm not standing for that. I'm sorry they bit off more than they can chew but that's not my fault. I'm a damn good office manager and the patients love me, I could another job in no time. Oh! And for Christmas we got $100.00 bonus; but most other practice's in town got $1000.00!!! I'm getting pissed off. Because no matter what, no one here will get a raise or anything until he pays his loans off. And I don't think I'm willing to hang around for the day that things might get better in TEN years or however long it takes. And what's more: he bought this practice from another doctor who had back-asswards way of collecting money. Like letting them make $15.00 payments a month until their $2000.00 bill was paid off. He spoiled them all, so now when I try to get the money upfront, peole pitch a big fit about it. I came into this office with the AR totally messed up, no rules, no recall (getting people to come in for cleanings), a cluttered office, ALL KINDS OF MESS and it's 500% better since I've been here. And yes, it's taken me a long time to clean things up and get things figured out, but they need to realize that shit's better because of me. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll need to find another job. I'd rather not.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Little Baby Raccoon

This little guy was so lost and outside my office today. I hope he's ok. He crossed the road twice...

Peeling Po-tay-toes....

I'm totally going to try this....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hmm, what if....

Ok so I was just watching the Terminator preview which has me wondering: Ok, say 1000 years in the future we finally figure out how to travel back in time. Well what if we try and travel back in time to now or even further to try and change it? And what's more, what if everyone is capable of making their own future? So say I disagree with my decision to tan so much because in the future I'm haggard looking and I'm in the year 3009 (because yes, I'm living to be 1021 years old), I could just come back and change it and make my own future. What if everyone could do it? What if we end up living forever because we can just go back and do over our mistakes? So, maybe time would forever be bouncing all over the place with whoever decides to change it? Which brings me to dimensions. What if the path we're on right now is just on way we could've gone? And there's an infinite number of dimensions continuing on as if I chose something different? Maybe in one I'm a celebrity, maybe in one I'm homeless, maybe in one I already have 10 kids... weird.

More Garden

So yesterday and today were great. I got tons of blonde highlights put into my hair for the summer yesterday on top of getting to leave work early. And today I went tanning, got my toes and my nails done, went to Albertson's to get some crab legs for our anniversary (which is tomorrow!) and went to Walmart and found some surprisingly good-looking tomato plants. Then when I came home, I dug right into the garden (if you'll pardon the pun;) .) Anyway, it looks really good. I had to replant the squash, the carrots, the cucumbers, and the green beans but that's just fine. I added my cantolope, watermelon, more onions, more radishes, peas, sweet basil and tomatoes and I need to start some peppers indoors tonight. Anyway, the picture of the rows of sprouts is of my corn!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Projects

My next project

My coffee table before My coffee table after

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thrifting with my buddy! turned into Mad Pride?

Yesterday was so much fun. My friend Erin and I went to 4 different thrift stores in town and found some super cute things. I got a dress, a top, a skirt, a giant flower, a picture holder and maybe some other stuff. Oh, and we stopped at the Art Supply store and I bought a pastel set and some special pastel paper. I saw myself one morning when I had woken up to get in the shower of me with smeared makeup, naked (though nothing was showing), and my hair was down and my neck looked really long and slightly bent, and since then I've wanted to put that vision in pastels. I'm not seeing it as a beautiful, fairy picture but more dark, you know? Erin would get it. It'll be weird to be putting myself on paper though. I think though when it comes to art, I tend to be darker anyway. Maybe I'll become really good and create a festival of sorts for off-beat artists. That'd be awesome. I was looking the other day at this link I found to "mad pride" which is an organization for people with mental disabilities. But instead of trying to change who they are, they're embracing their abnormality, which I think is great as long as they're not a threat. Anyway, a bunch of them do lots of artwork to help cope and to help express themselves, and I've never seen art with such feeling before. Maybe it helps to know that yes, they are troubled. And yes, they love who they are anyway. I don't have any disabilities, I don't think. But it doesn't mean I'm not intrigued with the darker parts of life. Who isn't? Anyone who says they aren't are jsut saying it so others won't think they're dark. Anyway.... Here's the link to the article with pictures of the art some of these mad pride people haev created. I especially like the one of the blue skinned man...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Update: Valen made it to town!

Valen, me, and Britney!

In the garden...

So yesterday, Zack and I got up at 9:30am and immediately started working on the garden. Zack tilled and tilled and tilled until we hit clay... which is incredibly hard. Anyway, we built a fence around it to keep the dogs out, and I planted everything except the cantaloupe and watermelon, because I hear you're supposed to keep those inside as long as you can. So I think I will plant those next weekend. So, all together we'll have radishes, lettuce, carrots, corn, yellow and green squash, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, green beans, onions, and tomatoes... I've planted them sort of earlier than most people are daring too because everyone's scared of it frosting. But if my sprouts die, I'll just replant them. They grew a ton in only a week and I have plenty of seeds leftover. Plus, it might not frost. But it could also frost as late as June (i.e. last June it had snowed!) Anyway, here's a picture....
And we've named it "St. Snoopy's Patch" in honor of the best step-mom in the world: Snoopy. She has the greenest thumb I know and is the perfect patron for any garden.